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The Unstoppable Raw Food Queen!

After a series of successful seminars on raw food preparation and achieving a healthy life style, the country’s certified raw food chef Cheloy Ignacio is fast becoming in demand in health food seminars and lecture series. After the well-attended seminar last Sunday on the “Healing Wonders of Raw Food” with Dr. Sam Dizon, this Sunday […]

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A ‘raw’ evening with Chef Cheloy

SOURCE: FUNFARE By Ricardo F. Lo (The Philippine Star) Updated June 04, 2010 12:00 AM As promised (and as per her request), we showed up with “empty stomachs” early Wednesday night at Chef Cheloy Ignacio’s newly-opened (only last May 8) Living On Live Food resto on Kamuning Road, Quezon City. “We” included Ronald Constantino (Tempo […]

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Food Healing Wonders

Eating the right food is the best way to live a healthy lifestyle. And one of the most effective source of healthy diet is eating raw food. As the definition suggests, raw food consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouts, seed, nuts, dried fruit, and seaweeds. According to scientists and nutritionists, there are substances called […]

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Cheloy’s Rawfood Class

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Cheloy’s Market Day

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Cheloy’s Latest Rawfood Creations

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Invitation: A Raw Food Diet Class

Get up every morning, feeling light and totally focused, highly energized and healthier than you have ever felt before! No pains, no ailments, all sickness and diseases are gone. So get that boundless energy for every moment of the day, with a clear mind and a feeling of inner peace. Possess that best shape that […]

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Useful Info on One of the Deadliest Diseases of Our Time: Cancer

Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer […]

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Invitation to LifeWave Dinner

Dear Friends and Colleagues, It’s my pleasure to invite you to a free dinner and some talks about certain breakthroughs in health management and lifestyle. Indeed, you’re so important that I wish to share with you about how to feel great and live well. David Schmidt, the world’s renowned inventor of LifeWave patches, will be […]

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High Mercury Levels Are Found in Tuna Sushi by Marian Burros

ARTICLE SOURCE: The New York Times Recent laboratory tests found so much mercury in tuna sushi from 20 Manhattan stores and restaurants that at most of them, a regular diet of six pieces a week would exceed the levels considered acceptable by the Environmental Protection Agency. Sushi from 5 of the 20 places had mercury […]

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